Repucom’s (now Nielsen Sport) ‘Sport online research report 2016’ examines the rise of esports and what it means for brands (with some great insight from Stuart Saw at Twitch and Peter Moore at EA), the changing broadcast picture and social media platforms, posting strategies and monetisation.
Such is the world of online, that a lot has moved on since this report was published, especially in the world of esports, but nonetheless there is some useful insight and explanation of the basics for those less familiar with the space.
We live in a connected, online world, entirely changing the way we communicate, interact and consume media. Multiple screens, streaming and the sharing, discussion and subsequent amplification of content online have all become the norm, not least for a generation of Millennials who have grown up in and know only of an internet age.
This report has been designed to take stock of how sport, a premium and much-prized live entertainment form of content at a time of unparalleled flux and fragmentation across the media world, thrives in this online age. Through a combination of Repucom insights and perspectives from across the industry, we’ve painted a picture of how rights holders, brands, athletes and sports broadcasters can make the most of the wealth of new opportunities available to them.
Included is a special section on esports, charting the rise of professional gaming tournaments but also examining its ‘growing pains’ as it moves to a mainstream and commercial activity. There’s also a section dedicated to the changing sports broadcast market that is seeing the emergence of new players keen to invest in live sport but now bristling with technology and expertise. The long-time leader of this new breed is Major League Baseball Advanced Media, who have pioneered direct pathways to fans for rights holders.
Any report of this nature would be incomplete without a close examination of how social media has impacted the world of sport – and how rights holders can monetise their social activity most effectively.
The underlying message behind everything in the following pages is that while platforms and distribution methods may have changed, high-quality, well-packaged content still wins out every time” says Repucom/Nielsen Sport about the Sport online research report 2016.
Click her to download the Sport online research report 2016.
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